This site is a collection of websites that have implemented CSS Grid Layout in production. To find out what CSS Grid Layout is and how to use it, visit Grid by Example.
If you have implemented grid layout then submit a pull request. Each site is a file in the _gridsites
directory. The format is as follows, each field is required other than gridsite-writeup.
gridsite-name: "Name of your site"
gridsite-url: "URL including http or https"
gridsite-author: "Your name"
gridsite-author-url: "One of your site URL / Twitter link / GitHub URL etc"
gridsite-writeup: "A link to a writeup of how you used grid"
Below the front matter you can add a few lines describing how you used grid.
Let us know if it is the full layout or if just a component where to see it in use.
Using the default theme right now, once I have a few more sites added I’ll make this one a grid layout too.